Radix Verum
News • Politics • Culture
This community is for people who are interested in independent journalism, news, politics, culture, preparedness, finance, investing and more. I think it's critically important for like-minded individuals to come together during these trying times. I want people to be able to have discussions, share information and resources. Staying inside echo chambers never helps. Iron sharpens iron!
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Long time no see

As you all know it's difficult enough for me to keep up with one social platform lol. I hope everyone is following my YT channel and Rumble as well.

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Interview with Stephen Horn about January 6

Stephen Horn is an independent journalist who traveled to Washington, D.C. to attend the January 6 speech and protest. He was doing this as a journalist with his film equipment. He has been charged and is currently a January 6 defendant despite being engaged in journalistic work and he is currently working on a January 6 documentary called J6: The First Breach.

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